My finances, my projects, my life
March 31, 2025

Klimapakt fir Betriber: climate pact for companies

  Compiled by myLIFE team myCOMPANY June 28, 2024 800

The transition to a more responsible business model is essential for all entrepreneurs today. The Klimapakt fir Betriber programme has been established in Luxembourg with the aim of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises with their energy transition and decarbonisation efforts.

Claude is a florist in a municipality close to the Luxembourg capital. He heads up a huge display/sales area and a large greenhouse and is aware of the substantial energy impact of his business. He is keen to improve performance in this area wherever possible and to start on the energy transition of the business in order to reduce its carbon footprint.

He has found out about the best ESG practices for the company and has begun to develop a strategy to reduce its negative impact on the environment. However, he is overwhelmed by the volume of information available on the topic and considers this type of project difficult to implement. The neighbouring store owner offers reassurance, talking to him of the Klimapakt fir Betriber platform which could help him organise his thoughts and gain a clearer understanding of how to proceed.

What is the Klimapakt fir Betriber?

Initiated by the Luxembourg government and managed by Klima-Agence and Luxinnovation, the Klimapakt fir Betriber programme (climate pact for companies) aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises that wish to reduce their carbon footprint and commit to more environmentally friendly production and energy consumption.

Klimapakt fir Betriber offers a catalogue of standard measures providing an overview of the initiatives, support, financial aid, tools and programmes that exist in the field of sustainable development.

Klimapakt fir Betriber has been designed as a platform offering strategic guidance. It offers a catalogue of standard measures providing an overview of the initiatives, support, financial aid, tools and programmes that exist in the field of sustainable development. It can save valuable time for entrepreneurs seeking practical information!

The aim is to offer guidance on their strategy for implementing their energy transition and decarbonisation plans, by identifying the best practices in their business sector and putting them in contact with providers of responsible solutions.

A catalogue of standard measures

Whilst Claude had already thought about how to roll out business practices that are more environmentally friendly, he discovers some new ideas on the platform. For example, he could think about: replacing the lighting in his display area and the back of the shop in order to optimise electricity consumption; improving the greenhouse heating system; having photovoltaic panels installed; or offering charging stations for the electric vehicles of clients, delivery companies and employees.

Each measure is accompanied by recommendations and provides the relevant contacts to optimise implementation of the project. This will help Claude make concrete action plans for the future.

Practical guides on concrete action

Before getting started, it is advisable to carry out a detailed analysis of the company’s energy situation. This will help to identify any potential excess consumption and determine any improvements that can be carried out.

For example, if Claude were to decide to optimise the lighting system of his premises, he could start by contacting a qualified tradesperson to check the installed electricity equipment and draw up a balance of his energy consumption with a view to defining potential improvements. The contact details of certified electricians, specialist suppliers and consultancy firms can be found on the platform.

The Klimapakt fir Betriber website then offers advice and concrete technical solutions on how to carry out the various energy efficiency measures. Our florist discovers that he could replace his current electrical installations with adapted LED lighting that takes into account the light output that is required for his premises as well as the efficiency of bulbs, time of use, etc. Several options are suggested to efficiently regulate his consumption: the installation of movement sensors in passageways, programming a timer to turn off all lights at night, organising the use of space to take maximum advantage of natural light, installing a twilight switch, etc.

The Klimapakt fir Betriber website highlights the financial aid available based on the type of project under consideration.

The aid and subsidies available to companies

Luxembourg offers a range of financial aid for entrepreneurs who wish to adopt more environmentally friendly measures. To help assess everything that is on offer, the Klimapakt fir Betriber website highlights the financial aid available based on the type of project under consideration:

    • investment assistance for measures to protect the environment;
    • aid for consultancy services;
    • Fit 4 Sustainability: a Luxinnovation programme offering companies an assessment of the environmental impact of their business, an action plan and co-financing;
    • SME-Packages – Sustainability of the House of Entrepreneurship: lump sum support of EUR 5,000 for small and medium-sized enterprises wishing to reduce their environmental impact: energy, water, waste and carbon footprint;
    • aid from energy providers: Enoprimes, SUDenergie, Sudstroum, fonds nova naturstroum, etc.;
    • Klimabonus programme;
    • support for charging infrastructure;
    • etc.

Claude discovers that if he decides to optimise the lighting system in his premises, he could apply for investment assistance for measures to protect the environment or from the SME-Packages – Sustainability programme. He may also be eligible for subsidies from the energy suppliers. However, he would have to check if he complies with the conditions for the award of these subsidies based on the specifics of his company and the type of project envisaged (size of the company, cost of investment, etc.).

In most cases, the request for support must be submitted prior to commencing work on the project, in order to avoid refusal.

Useful info: in most cases, the request for support must be submitted prior to commencing work on the project, in order to avoid refusal (before agreeing to an estimate, making a downpayment, carrying out an analysis of the installations, etc.).

All resources in one place

The Klimapakt fir Betriber platform provides a full overview on the subject, with a summary of the resources available by type of project.

    • Practical tools: for example, lighting simulation software to optimise the location of light points, a solar survey to identify rooves that may be suitable for installing solar panels, a contacts platform for charging infrastructure projects, a mapping of the public and private sector players offering solutions to facilitate sustainability, etc.
    • Qualified professionals: contact details for consultancies, tradespeople, suppliers, municipal authorities, etc.
    • Official institutions in a position to steer companies: the Luxembourg Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts, Chamber of Commerce, energy suppliers and Luxinnovation, etc.
    • Financial aid: the names of and links to available subsidies and support.
    • Laws/regulations related to the project.
    • More information: advice, practical examples, events, etc.

Via the Klimapakt fir Betriber platform, Claude now has access to a database of all the information, tools and contacts he will need to plan the energy transition of his business and take concrete action in favour of sustainable development. We wish him luck and thank him for his willingness to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible future!