My finances, my projects, my life
March 31, 2025

Have you made your retirement checklist?

  Compiled by myLIFE team me&myFAMILY December 12, 2017 9478

Reaching retirement is an important milestone. And many questions come with it. How should you manage your spending? How can you guarantee your future security? How can you be sure to have saved enough? This checklist covers several topics and is intended to help you determine whether you are sufficiently prepared for your retirement.

Before you can really retire

    • Make sure you meet all the criteria to qualify for a pension/early retirement.
    • Get your documents together (education, career, pre- and post-retirement insurance, supplementary insurance, etc.).
    • Complete all necessary procedures with the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Pension).
    • Verify the amount of your pension payments.
    • Set up bank transfers for any supplementary pension scheme.
    • Think about how you would like to spend your time while in retirement.
    • You may even wish to begin planning to enter a retirement home, as they can have very long waiting lists.

Insurance and supplementary pension schemes

To keep saving while preparing to pass on your estate, consult an expert to help you go through the different options available:

    • Sight deposit accounts
    • Supplementary pension insurance
    • Term life insurance
    • Endowment life insurance
    • Life insurance
    • etc.


    • Tax returns
    • Annual statement

Experts that can help

    • Bankers
    • Insurers
    • Notaries

And let’s not forget the most important thing: finding joy in this new chapter of your life. How? That’s up to you!

Download the checklist: