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October 22, 2024

Five good reasons to upskill

  Compiled by myLIFE team me&myFAMILY December 17, 2020 2792

Training always seems like a great idea in theory, but it’s all too easy to put it off and find excuses, from a lack of time to family commitments, high costs and more. And yet, training offers genuine benefits for our personal and professional lives. Read on for myLIFE’s advice on upskilling.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a young employee, an entrepreneur or a jobseeker, continuous professional development is an essential way to keep pace with a market that never stands still. Most people attend training courses that are linked to their professional activities, either at their employer’s request or on their own initiative. What are the benefits of training? Here are five factors that we hope will persuade you to take the plunge.

Why embark on a training course?

#1 To hone your skills

First and foremost, upskilling is essential in our ever-changing world. Maybe you need to deepen your understanding of a specialist subject, acquire extra know-how or update your knowledge of your business sector. Attending classes will help you improve your performance at work and compete with graduates arriving on the market with the latest skills.

⇒ To make sure you’re investing your time wisely, be particularly careful about your choice of course. Take the time to check that it is perfectly aligned with your professional objectives. Is it specifically aimed at people with your profile? Is it pitched at the right level? Does it cover the topics you’re looking to work on?

#2 To grow as a professional

Do you dream of getting a pay rise or being promoted to team leader? Going on a training course will allow you to add another string to your bow and showcase your determination to progress within the company. You’ll continue to learn and develop, and this will improve your standing within the business. Plus, you’ll have a strong argument if you want to apply for an internal promotion.

⇒ Use your end-of-year appraisal as an opportunity to identify areas where there is scope for improvement and find out about any training courses your company can offer and/or fund.

Extra qualifications will boost your employability and enhance your value on the labour market.

#3 To improve your employability

Extra qualifications will boost your employability and enhance your value on the labour market. Adding diplomas and skills to your CV is a great idea, regardless of whether you’re looking for work or already in a job. Meeting people on a course will expand your professional network and may even lead to new opportunities. When you consolidate your career path, you give yourself the best possible chance of meeting the needs of the labour market.

⇒ To reap maximum rewards for your efforts and boost your professional profile, be sure to let people know about any courses you’ve completed. Update your LinkedIn profile, take part in industry events and showcase your skills.

#4 To prepare for a career change

There’s nothing unusual about changing careers these days and plenty of people aspire to jump into something new – sometimes even a role that seems the antithesis of their original career. If you’re stuck in a rut, going on a course can help you change your life. However, it’s important to think through your plans carefully and assess how feasible they are by speaking to a professional (training centre staff, professional coach, professional development adviser, etc.).

⇒ Where possible, opt for a training course that includes a work placement or apprenticeship that you’ll be able to leverage as professional experience in your target field.

Training isn’t only about improving your professional skills – it can also boost your sense of motivation and personal fulfilment.

#5 To feel a sense of fulfilment

In addition to the many professional benefits, training can also have a positive impact on your personal life. As well as equipping you to achieve your goals, training can enhance your self-confidence. How? By developing your ability to adapt, sparking your curiosity and broadening your horizons.

Training isn’t only about improving your professional skills – it can also boost your sense of motivation and personal fulfilment.

How to find a training course in Luxembourg

There is a wide array of training on offer in Luxembourg and the country encourages adults to engage in lifelong learning.

Courses in a range of subjects

The Grand Duchy offers a very wide array of training options across all business sectors, with courses in education, ICT, finance and insurance being the most highly sought-after. For example, the portal alone lists over 9,500 training options (as of September 2020).

The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the digitisation of training. New teaching methods – including videoconferencing, webinars, virtual classes and blended learning – are widening participation like never before.

Flexible education

Most training organisations are developing bespoke programmes tailored to the needs of learners, offering flexibility and choice in terms of timetables, duration and location.

What’s more, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the digitisation of training. New teaching methods – including videoconferencing, webinars, virtual classes and blended learning (a mix of in-person and online classes) – are widening participation like never before.

Special leave

To account for learners’ time constraints, the Luxembourg government offers several special types of leave. Individual training leave ensures learners have free time for training; linguistic leave can be used to learn or develop Luxembourgish skills, and there is also specific leave for youth workers.

You can also make use of provisions to help you manage your working hours, such as flexitime and unpaid leave.

Financial aid

Lastly, the Luxembourg government has created financial aid packages aimed at companies and individuals. These enable companies to secure co-financing for employee training and subsidies for Luxembourgish classes.

Individuals can receive tax deductions for certain types of professional development expenses. And jobseekers can apply for help with training, too.

We hope you now have a clearer picture of what you stand to gain from a training course and everything you need to optimise your career. So, why not take the plunge and sign up? Every step will take you closer to your goals.