My finances, my projects, my life
March 7, 2025

Quiz: Are you a risk-taker?

  Compiled by myLIFE team myINVEST February 1, 2019 9366

Do you go by the motto “nothing ventured, nothing gained”, or do you live by “better safe than sorry”? What about when it comes to your finances? Are you a planner or a gambler? Find out with this fun little personality test from myLIFE which will tell you how much of a risk-taker you are in your day-to-day life.


You’re on holiday. How do you spend your time?

You go to the casino and your friends are playing roulette. Do you join in?

How much do you understand about financial products, stock markets, interest rates and the like?

You’re about to start a new job. How do you feel?

How long would you be able to tie up a portion of your capital?

You win €1,000 in a game of chance. What do you do with it?

Why do you want to invest your money?

You’re about to buy a new car. How do you sleep the night before?

How would you describe your capital?

Are you a risk-taker?
Good things come to those who wait

You don’t take any risks when it comes to money! With little to spare, you plan to spend it wisely. If savings accounts offered better interest rates, this would be the ideal solution for those amounts you do manage to regularly put aside. You’re not against investing, but the idea of it stresses you out and you want to avoid taking risks as much as possible. Your motto: security is the priority!

Why not talk to your banker about your finances? They can provide effective support to help you manage your money. If you do decide to invest a small amount of your savings, they can help you determine your investor profile. It’s important to do this because there will always be some degree of risk involved if you’re seeking higher returns.

Everything in moderation

Although you can’t be called a risk-taker when it comes to money, that doesn’t mean you don’t treat yourself occasionally or venture outside your comfort zone. But you don’t go overboard either – you don’t believe in frittering money away on the pretext that “you only live once”. Your motto: be open to new things, but be realistic.

Why not talk to your banker about your finances? They can provide effective support to help you manage your money and determine your investor profile. This will allow you to start investing on your own terms, keeping things balanced according to your situation, your goals and your constraints.

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground

You believe it’s important to follow your instincts, even if they defy reason. And it’s the same story when it comes to your finances. You aim high and take risks, but not beyond what you can afford and only when you think the risk is worth it. Your motto: aim high, but don’t overreach.

Why not talk to your banker about your finances? They can provide effective support to help you manage your money and determine your investor profile. This will give you the tools you need to start investing, enabling you to assess your risk appetite according to your situation, your goals and your constraints.

Fortune favours the brave – but not the reckless!

You’re a risk-taker, but you’re not a fool. You take chances where necessary, and the same goes for your finances. But with a strong head on your shoulders, you don’t invest until you know all the facts. Your motto: nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Why not talk to your banker about your finances? They can provide effective support to help you manage your money and determine your investor profile. It’s essential to do this before you start investing, as it will enable you to channel your enthusiasm in the best possible way and establish an investment strategy that is in line with your situation, your goals and your constraints.